Episode 2: allopurinol in acute gout

Episode 2 show notes

This is episode 2 of The Rheumatology Podcast, recorded on December 2, 2012.

We talked about the recent trial looking at starting allopurinol during acute gout attacks in the settings of the guidelines. Detailed links and PDFs were previously posted. We also talked about our own personal experiences with using pegloticase and Anakinra.

Sully asked me about how I take pictures of my crystal exams. I gave the wrong name of the iPhone adapter I use, citing the company's name as the product name. The product is called the Magnifi, and you can purchase it at arcturuslabs.com.

In the last few minutes, I talk with Sully about my recommendation for managing journal articles: Papers. Papers is a Mac, iOS, and Windows application that is a complete product for finding, managing, editing, and citing journal articles.

We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording.